Monday, February 11, 2008


It was a weekend of fun....

Friday night boo and daddy built the box sled for fun at the winter day at DCS. Boo was a fierce competitor winning her first two heats and then all 4 sleds tied on the first of the final they did it again and she came in second.....

Here she is with her lovely sled and trophy (in her bedroom, along with her tent pitched beside it)....luckily the sled will move into the basement for tweaking for next years competition...

great job boo....

and I should have been working on the challenge yarn....but I spun it, washed it and hung it to dry....but it was sooo white.....eekss....I just couldn't deal with, I spun up a big merino roving....which I needlefelted and will add some accoutrements to this week....and then you shall see....
but I leave you with the hat I knit, in the meantime....hell,when you work 16 hours a day, you need to keep those fingers busy...

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