Friday, March 23, 2007

Today (so far) I......

red nose
Originally uploaded by ladybugboo.

1.- woke up late....did not do yoga or meditate (first time I missed in 34 days....I am a little bummed...but must let it go today)

2.-wore cropped spring pants without shaving my legs....instead wore higher than usual stripey socks.....stunning fashion example I am, ofcourse

3.-frosted cupcakes for the store(chocolate truffle with confetti frosting) and did not eat one (I did eat some frosting)

4.- went for a run/walk (1 1/2 miles of running then 1 1/2 miles of mostly up hill walking)

5.- had a moment of bliss realizing that I was finally below the weight I was when we purchased the store 5 years ago (I actually gained over 30 lbs over the first 3 years....lost 10 last rid of the final bits this year and am working on toning up and getting a bit more off)......

6.-bagged up enough snack mixes for the next 2 weeks of stocking (my usual friday night is 2 hours of bagging mixes)....

7.- decided...that at the moment I am not a fabric book girlie....cut apart the book and have 8+ mini quilts in process....

8.-went through 1/2 a day with a clean shirt

9.-still did not eat a cupcake, eventhough there are 3 left downstairs...

10.-felt calm and at peace....even if it only lasts for a moment....

back to work....

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sounds like a great day! And congratulations on your weight.

I'm not sure I could have resisted the cupcakes. I'm glad I can't justify driving all the way from Wilton to get one, LOL.